Storybox is a timeless capsule of stories drifting through time and space, telling tales about unsung heroes, everyday challenges, and honest American values.
Our characters have grit, integrity, and can tell you a thing or two about living between an idealistic world and the real one.
God has a mysterious way of working to and through us in life, and in our stories.
Our heroes risk everything. Our characters endure anything. Our stories brandish one thing: In a fiery inferno, in a dark basement, at high noon, on the gridiron, in the alpine peaks, on the windy coast highway, 300 years in the future, in a childhood photograph, in the ring, on the mat, in a letter, in a winter chapel; He is there, calling us closer.
Development & Production
Jon Lang is a man of many traits and passions, but telling stories and leading a team are two of his greatest joys and gifts.
Jon always had a passion for film and photography. His early career in events management helped him travel the world all the while learning two of the most valuable principles of producing: budgeting and schedules.
Jon also had a deep passion for writing and creating stories, worlds, characters and conflicts. After years traveling the globe in the action sports and tourism industries, Jon went back to school for film. He now has multiple feature length scripts registered and is finishing his first novel of many to come.
After five years filming at Intel, Jon co-founded Storybox Creative ad agency to jump start his bigger future. Jon helped his clients raise over $150 million with his marketing campaigns. After Producing and Directing millions in commercial projects in just a few short years, it was time to move onward to the bigger goal, Film and TV.
Jon is finishing up the first of his two current feature length documentaries, as well as working towards storybox’s first fiction feature film.
When Jon isn’t working on film projects, he and Rachel are playing with their kids, cooking gourmet meals, or skiing fresh tracks.
Development & Distribution
Rachel is a deeply gifted artist, excelling at every art form she puts her mind to from music, film, photography, painting, design, writing and even psychology.
Rachel started a sewing business in her teens and continued mastering design and wardrobe until she was able to break into the film scene, starting in wardrobe and HMU, then she progressed her abilities and opportunities learning to edit and color.
Rachel ultimately wanted to write and manage stories, so she used her custom design success to finance and co-found Storybox Creative, the commercial predecessor to Storybox Pictures. In her role as President and Lead Creative Director, Rachel managed projects for tech startups around the world.
Rachel’s biggest success was creating and managing a video campaign for what is now Kickstarter’s most successful tech campaign, raising the international client over $8 million. Rachel also was lead Creative Director for another client’s $80 million fundraise campaign.
This is only the beginning for Rachel however. Now she is combining all of her experiences and pushing forward as very empowered female filmmaker into the realms of writing features, producing and directing.
Rachel’s passion for storytelling is only rivaled by her obsession with coffee, houseplants, and the LOTR.
Finance & Distribution
Michael is a gifted and hardworking filmmaker.
He began his early career as a model, actor, and musician, but had a strong calling to protect and serve his community. This led Michael to serve as a Police Officer, Investigator, SWAT Sniper, and Police Sergeant in Santa Monica, California.
After a decorated 27-year career and retirement from public service, Michael pursued his other passion, acting. In the last decade he has starred in over 20 national commercials and had multiple pivotal and recurring roles in television and film. He has had the pleasure of being directed by Quentin Tarantino, Alejandro G. Inarritu, Anthony Hemingway, Ryan Murphy, and John Singleton, as well as acting alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, Cuba Gooding Jr., Brad Pitt, John Travolta, Damon Wayans, and more.
In addition to acting, Michael is putting his experience, discipline, administrative skills, and love of filmmaking towards producing. He’s also a real-life expert in firearms / Sniper Operations, Incident and Tactical Command, Hostage Rescue, and Criminal Investigations.
Needless to say, Michael does his own stunts… whether it’s high intensity horseback riding, hand to hand combat, weapons and munitions, even cliff diving and whitewater navigation.
That’s all just jargon, for Michael Graham is a legit badass and American hero. When Michael isn’t saving the world, he’s traveling and teaching bartenders the right way to make an amazing Margarita.